100% Canadian + 100% B.C. = 200% Proud
Founding a Dynasty
The Craft Distillery Industry in BC is still young and has room for all kinds of ideas, direction and input. So here we are:
British Columbia's first Female Owned and Operated Craft Distillery.
We are dedicated to bringing our own taste to market, with our
Our labels are a bit different, and so are we. We believe there is plenty of room in this province for Artisanal Liquors tailored to the female palate. We drink what we like and we Like what we Drink. So should you.
We are very involved in the community and are actively promoting Women in Distillation.
Our summer interns will hopefully take their turn as leaders in the industry over the years to come.
Come and see for yourself what we have to offer.
Employment Policy
We endeavour always to follow the Employment Standards as published by the Province of British Columbia.
We have a zero tolerance policy towards violence.
We have a zero tolerance policy towards racism.
We have a zero tolerance policy towards bullying.
We have a zero tolerance policy towards religious intolerance.
We have a zero tolerance policy towards sexism.
We have a zero tolerance policy towards sexual harassment.
We believe in equal pay for equal work.
Ethical Policy
Environmental & Fair Trade Policy
Law Enforcement Policy
We always cooperate fully with duly authorized Peace Officers operating within the scope of their Authority.
It is our policy to prosecute thieves, cheats and frauds to the full extent of the law both in Criminal and Civil Courts.
Supplier Policy
Supplier Policy
There are certain costs inherent in doing business that are often written off by the parties as a gesture of ongoing good will, but it requires the agreement of both parties to cause these costs to be ignored.
If either they or we fail in our respective agreed duties, compensation may be required. If we lose an hour, day or any other period of time to wasted effort, we expect to be compensated at the following rate: $600.00 per 4 hour segment or portion of same.
In an instance where a contract exists, such as a bank account or credit line, we recognize that occasionally a genuine mistake or illegal interference occurs, and we recognize that the time spent in following the agreed procedure as laid out by agents of the Bank or Credit Company is a cost of doing business.
We further state that these contracts have an implicit promise from the Company that following the procedures as laid out by the Company Representative will result in the proper legal action being taken.
If such action shall not occur after all appropriate actions (as laid out by the Company in question) have been taken, we reserve the right to pursue other remedies and state that any and all time spent performing tasks at the Company’s behest, as well as the time taken to review results and follow up on the situation, will be billed to the Company in question and sought as real costs through the usual channels, up to and including Court Actions.
Such amounts will be calculated at a rate of $150.00 (cad) per hour or portion of same. This rate will also be charged to anyone found to be defaming our reputation, and will be billable for the entire amount of time required to counter any damage done by same.
Customer Policy
Customer Policy
We don't do Blame, we do Better.