100% Canadian + 100% B.C. = 200% Proud
So we have a Whiskey Club. That is to say, we have 2 whiskey clubs, sort of. The first is the sort that you are familiar with, where we send you out a curated box 2 times a year with whiskey, whiskey goodies, recipes and swag. We charge you a reasonable amount plus shipping, and you are happy.
Membership in the club gets you certain perks like free tastings at the Distillery, discounts, tours with the Distiller and a chance to purchase shares in your own barrels of whiskey etc.
If you like you can join the club here: BCWHISKEYCLUB just send your name, mention the club, and we will get in touch!
The Whiskey club box now includes Raven Hill Roasters Coffee!
But we also have a Whiskey Tasting Club. This one is a bit different. First of all it is free. Alright, free of charge, not free. You have to do homework.
How it works is… 2 or 3 times a year, we send out free samples to members who are interested in the specific whiskey we are testing. You get your sample and you follow the instructions provided. Then you fill out the forms and send them back to us, usually by email. You get advance notice of new releases, free samples at no cost to you…we even pay for the shipping! All you have to do to stay on the list is complete the “homework” and send it in.
The thing is, we really need both kinds of members. There are a few of you (you know who you are!) who are members of Both Clubs! And we love you!
We also sell shares of Whiskey barrels. Pretty good deal, if you have the itch. We offer boutique (personal) labels for the lucky few to have on their bottles. Just imagine, your own personal brand of whiskey. We do it in all 4 delicious styles… Irish, Scotch, Bourbon and Rye!
Anyways… the point here is that we need some more Whiskey tasters.
And also some new members for the subscription service.
And also we have some barrels available for purchase. It is that time of year.
Happy Mother’s Day!