100% Canadian + 100% B.C. = 200% Proud
The word Pride has had many meanings. There is a Pride of Lions… Pride of Place… Stupid/Damned Pride… Pride and Prejudice, just to name a few.
None has had the lasting impact of the modern term Pride.
No modifiers (not anymore, anyways) just Pride with a capital P.
Pride stands for survival.
Pride stands for inclusion.
Pride stands for so many things that are important and necessary.
Most of all, Pride stands for social progress.
Some people think it’s all about sex, but I think it’s mostly about people.
All of the people.
Not just the few with money who run the joint.
I think Pride is my earliest memory of effective social change, and it felt to my younger self like it included the promise of Feminism, Equal Rights, Children’s Rights, Trans Rights, and all the things that good people want to see around them.
In short Pride has always felt to me like Hope for the Future, but it was (and is) happening today.
My children live in a better more inclusive world every day. Not perfect, but striving.
In recent years it seems like the progress has slowed and the news would have you believe that Pride and it’s adherents are losing ground once again. The ugly few are raising their heads once again:
Pathetic neo-nazis, sad white-supremacists, deluded incels, and the list goes on.
The thing is… they are the minority. A VERY LOUD minority that the media likes to highlight because it horrifies good people and makes them tune in to watch out of fear.
Good for media profits, and not much else.
Pride includes Canadian Pride for most of us. Those few (very loud) dinosaurs that remain are slowly losing their ability to make anyone listen, which is why the volume has been turned up so VERY LOUD these last few years.
Pride is like Whiskey Wednesday, all about diversity and choice and doing what is right for you.
Qualicum Beach, 2022