100% Canadian + 100% B.C. = 200% Proud
Living (and Distilling) in Canada means accepting other peoples’ weird.
So when it comes to our Trading partners, we have accepted a number of odd ideas like:
“Some words are owned and must not be said”.
There are many of these forbidden words and we grow up knowing what they are.
We speak them in dark rooms and dare to write them on walls as a rite of passage.
The most famous of these words is of course (C********).
The reason we must not use this word is, essentially “Sparkling Arrogance”.
Then there are more common words with several meanings each that must be avoided situationally.
We can for instance order (S*****) eggs if necessary, but there is always a sense of discomfort…
Words like (S*****) and (I****) are just holdovers from pre- WorldVillage days, when there was a regional limit to where flavours came from.
But today, I am here to talk about the “B” word.
There, I said it.
(B******). Damn that felt good.
There was a time when only specially born Americans could use this word with impunity. This is an important word and not to be taken lightly after all. Only those who had the right combination of Birth, Location, Profession and History were worthy to put it in writing.
For over 200 years these rules had the force of Law (and occasional bullets), and it was only recently that the Egalitarian Impulses of the Republic overcame private Interest (to a degree) and made it Every American Citizen’s right to use the “B” word freely, as long as they apply to the Federal Government for permission. And pay all the applicable taxes that might accrue through it’s use.
Being Canadian, we are forbidden to use the sacred words, and so we must needs develop slang terms to imply and direct the mind to make the connections.
Many of you for instance, when tasting Whiskey in our store may have heard us discuss such clues on our labels… “An (I****) girl with an (I****) harp and a sheaf of barley, and other such tales.
But it really boils down to “How do we talk about a flavour profile that we are forbidden to name?”
Our QBBN product is absolutely 100% a (B******) (W*****).
We use premium local (C***) and (B*****) and we age it in (A*******) Oak.
Yes, I might be being too cautious with that last sentence, but you just never know…
We built our Distillery about 500 metres (similar to yards for our American Friends) from the border and could literally see people who could and can use the forbidden word. But there is no joy there for us.
Instead we are forced to make up clever names and discuss the well known attributes of the (A*******) version of (B******), alleging that ours will stand up to your expectations.
Unless you really like the taste of (G*******), then ours will be a dead loss for you.
QBBN is a very smooth, pleasant, drinkable (B******).
But don’t take my word for it, I may be slightly biased. Come on down and try it out for yourself!
Be Safe, Be Well, Be Kind.