100% Canadian + 100% B.C. = 200% Proud
To recap: We are now in #Qualicumbeach making #bcwhiskey and other #artisanspirits which we try to celebrate every day of the week but especially on #whiskeywednesday
We are open for tastings 7 days a week now and also are attending #erringtonmarket and #summerbythesea market all summer long. Feel free to visit us there!
Now to business:
As you know, we make an Award-winning low oak “Irish Whiskey Style Spirit” known as #54-40. I see you nodding your head. Good. Now…we have tried a number of ideas to extend our #Whiskey Catalogue, and what we have come up with most recently is Flavoured Whiskey. It is all the rage apparently.
Not all flavours will rock the #Irish profile, but we have discovered that BC Hazelnuts, properly raised and toasted, make an amazing Adulteration. Iteration. D-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s is what I am trying to spell.
What we have produced is an amazing combination of experiences that comes across as smooth, silky, smooth, nutty and smooth. Toasted hazelnut on the nose, nuts with near caramel on the tongue, smooth and it finishes whiskey-as-all-get-out. We are very proud of this one.
Since our last update, all of the Danger Tape has been re-moved! We have a lovely railing separating would be customers from certain doom. We are enjoying the extra security, and we are celebrating taking part in the Father’s Day Car Show. The Qualicum portion of this year’s show took place on the road right in front of our tasting bar! We poured some cocktails and generally did our part to help out with the show, and a good time was had by all!
The Mother’s Day Cherry Brandy is flying off the shelf, and we are looking forward to our Blackberry Brandy showing up on shelves really soon!
Our Whiskey Club is off to a roaring start locally, and we are excited to be testing 3 new products for release later this year.